Your Bash prompt is stored in the
variable. In my prompt, I display the following items, colour coded where appropriate:
- time (
) - user (
) - red if a production user, green otherwise - host (
) - red if a production machine, green otherwise - working directory (
) - trimmed to 80 characters - number of jobs currently running in the shell (
) - history number of this command (
) - exit status of the previous command (
) - green if success, red otherwise
which allows me change my xterm's titlebar so that I can differentiate it from other xterm's.
Update: My dotfiles are now in Git. For the latest version, please visit my GitHub dotfiles repository.
Here is my prompt taken from ~/.bash_prompt
# define some colours GREY=$'\033[1;30m' RED=$'\033[1;31m' GREEN=$'\033[1;32m' YELLOW=$'\033[1;33m' BLUE=$'\033[1;34m' MAGENTA=$'\033[1;35m' CYAN=$'\033[1;36m' WHITE=$'\033[1;37m' NONE=$'\033[m' # trims long paths down to 80 chars _get_path(){ local x=$(pwd | sed -e "s:$HOME:~:") local len=${#x} local max=80 if [ $len -gt $max ] then echo ...${x:((len-max+3))} else echo ${x} fi } # prints a colour coded exit status _get_exit_status(){ local es=$? if [ $es -eq 0 ] then echo -e "${GREEN}${es}" else echo -e "${RED}${es}" fi } # change xterm title title() { if [ $# -eq 0 ] then title="" else title="$* - " fi } # colour the host red if it is production # all prod hostnames end with "prod" if [[ $HOSTNAME =~ prod$ ]] then HOST_COLOR=$RED else HOST_COLOR=$GREEN fi # colour the user red if it is production # all prod usernames end with "prod" if [[ $USER =~ prod$ ]] then USER_COLOR=$RED else USER_COLOR=$GREEN fi #executed just before prompt PROMPT_COMMAND='exitStatus=$(_get_exit_status);mydir=$(_get_path);' PS1='\033]0;${title}\u@\h:`tty`>${mydir}\007\n\ \[${GREY}\][\[${BLUE}\]\t\[${GREY}\]]\ \[${GREY}\][\[${USER_COLOR}\]\u\[${GREY}\]@\[${HOST_COLOR}\]\H\[${GREY}\]] \ \[${WHITE}\]${mydir} \ \[${GREY}\](\ \[${YELLOW}\]+${SHLVL}\[${GREY}\]|\ \[${YELLOW}\]%\j\[${GREY}\]|\ \[${YELLOW}\]!\!\[${GREY}\]|\ \[${YELLOW}\]${exitStatus}\[${GREY}\])\[${NONE}\]\n\ \[${USER_COLOR}\]$\[${NONE}\] ' # continuation prompt PS2='\[${USER_COLOR}\]>\[${NONE}\] ' #used by set -x for tracing PS4='\[${USER_COLOR}\]+\[${NONE}\] 'References:
More posts on my Bash profile:
Excellent! The one thing I think is missing is the running time of the last command.
ReplyDeleteLatest version of supports running time of last command. Use it like it is or rip it out from :)