This post is out-of-date! For the latest version, go here: "Useful Eclipse Templates for Faster Coding".
In this post, I will share some of my Eclipse Java Code Templates.
Templates are simply "magic words" or shortcuts to standard blocks of code or text. They are very handy because once you have them setup you don't have to waste time writing boilerplate code any more! An example of a pre-defined template in Eclipse is sysout
which expands to System.out.println();
. All you have to do is type sysout
followed by Ctrl+Space
to insert the statement in your java source file.
To see what templates are defined in Eclipse:
- Open your Preferences dialog by going to Windows > Preferences
- On the navigation tree on the left, go to Java > Editor > Templates
- You will see a list of pre-defined templates
- You can add new ones by pressing the "New..." button
Here is a list of templates I have created:
1. logger
Name: logger
Context: Java statements
Description: create new Logger
private static final Logger logger =
2. logd
Name: logd
Context: Java statements
Description: logger debug
3. logi
Name: logi
Context: Java statements
Description: logger info
4. logerr
Name: logerr
Context: Java statements
Description: logger error
logger.error(${errorMessage}, ${e});
5. readfile
Name: readfile
Context: Java
Description: read text from file
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(${fileName}));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.error(e) ;
catch (IOException e) {
logger.error(e) ;
} finally {
if(in != null) in.close();
6. for (iterate over map)
Name: for
Context: Java statements
Description: iterate over map
for(Map.Entry<${key:argType(map,0)},${value:argType(map,1)}> entry :
${map:var(java.util.Map)}.entrySet()) {
${key} key = entry.getKey();
${value} value = entry.getValue();
Do YOU have any useful templates? If so, share them in the comments!