Saturday, December 21, 2013

stackoverflow - 70k rep

Five months after crossing the 60k milestone, I have now reached a reputation of 70k on stackoverflow!

The following table shows some stats about my journey so far:

0-10k 10-20k 20-30k 30-40k 40-50k 50-60k 60-70k Total
Date achieved 01/2011 05/2011 01/2012 09/2012 02/2013 07/2013 12/2013
Questions answered 546 376 253 139 192 145 66 1717
Questions asked 46 1 6 0 1 0 0 54
Tags covered 609 202 83 10 42 14 11 971
(gold, silver, bronze)
(2, 10, 23)
(0, 4, 10)
(2, 8, 23)
(3, 20, 36)
(0, 19, 30)
(2, 26, 37)
(5, 22, 33)
(14, 109, 192)

I have been very busy over the last few months and haven't had much time to go on stackoverflow. As you can see, I only answered 66 questions over the last 5 months, but my previous answers have helped keep my reputation ticking along nicely. For me, stackoverflow has not simply been a quest for reputation, but more about learning new technologies and picking up advice from other people on the site. I like to take on challenging questions, rather than the easy ones, because it pushes me to do research into areas I have never looked at before, and I learn so much during the process.

Next stop, 80k!