###################### TUPLE - immutable list rgb = ("red", "green", "blue") assert len(rgb) == 3 assert min(rgb) == "blue" assert max(rgb) == "red" #find the last element assert rgb[len(rgb) - 1] == "blue" assert "red" in rgb assert "yellow" not in rgb #slice the list [1,3) rgb[1:3] #('green', 'blue') #concatenate twice rgb * 2 #iterate over list for e in rgb: print e ###################### LIST - mutable list colors = ["black", "white"] assert len(colors) == 2 #add an element colors.append("green") assert len(colors) == 3 assert colors[2] == "green" #remove an element colors.remove("white") assert "white" not in colors colors.append("green") #count occurrences of an element assert colors.count("green") == 2 #return first index of value assert colors.index("black") == 0 #insert element colors.insert(1, "orange") assert colors.index("orange") == 1 #remove the last element e = colors.pop() assert e == "green" #replace a slice colors[1:3] = ["red"]; colors.reverse() colors.sort() ###################### SET l = ["a", "b", "a", "c"] assert len(set(l)) == 3 ###################### DICTIONARY- mappings dict = {"alice":22, "bob":20} assert dict.get("alice") == 22 #add an element dict["charlie"] = 25 assert dict.get("charlie") == 25 #get list of keys assert len(dict.keys()) == 3 #get list of values assert len(dict.values()) == 3 #check for key assert dict.has_key("alice")Loops:
for i in range(1, 10, 2): print i while True: print 1 breakMethods:
Printing out the factorial of a number.
def factorial(n): """prints factorial of n using recursion.""" if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n - 1) print factorial(4)Classes:
class Person: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def equals(self, p): return isinstance(p, Person) and \ self.name == p.name and \ self.age == p.age def toString(self): return "name: %s, age: %s" % (self.name, self.age) p = Person("Bob", 20) q = Person("Charlie", 20) assert p.equals(p) assert p.equals(q)==False print p.toString()Read user input:
string = raw_input("Enter your name: ") number = input("Enter a number:")File I/O:
#write to file filename = "C:/temp/test.txt" f = file(filename, "w") f.write("HELLO WORLD\nHELLO WORLD") f.close() #open a file in read-mode f = file(filename, "r") #read all lines into a list in one go assert len(f.readlines()) == 2 #print out current position print f.tell() #go to beginning of file f.seek(0) #read file line by line with auto-cleanup with open("C:\\temp\hello.wsdl") as f: for line in f: print linePickling (Serialisation):
#pickling f = file("C:\\temp\dictionary.txt", 'w') dict = {"alice":22, "bob":20} import pickle pickle.dump(dict, f) f.close() #unpickling f = file("C:\\temp\dictionary.txt", 'r') obj = pickle.load(f) f.close() assert obj["alice"] == 22 assert obj["bob"] == 20Exception handling:
try: i = int("Hello") except ValueError: i = -1 finally: print "finally" #creating a custom exception class from repr import repr class MyException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) try: raise MyException(2*2) except MyException as e: print 'My exception occurred, value:', e.valueLambdas:
def make_incrementor (n): return lambda x: x + n f = make_incrementor(2) print f(42) print map(lambda x: x % 2, range(10))
Good one dude..
ReplyDeleteCan you please tell me whats the best way to read and start coding by reading Language API or any other API?
Thank you very much!!!