Saturday, February 02, 2013

Guava Table

Guava's Table<R, C, V> is a useful alternative to nested maps of the form Map<R, Map<C, V>>. For example, if you want to store a collection of Person objects keyed on both firstName and lastName, instead of using something like a Map<FirstName, Map<LastName, Person>>, it is easier to use a Table<FirstName, LastName, Person>.

Here is an example:

final Table<String, String, Person> table = HashBasedTable.create();
table.put("Alice", "Smith", new Person("Alice", "Smith"));
table.put("Bob", "Smith", new Person("Bob", "Smith"));
table.put("Charlie", "Jones", new Person("Charlie", "Jones"));
table.put("Bob", "Jones", new Person("Bob", "Jones"));

// get all persons with a surname of Smith
final Collection<Person> smiths = table.column("Smith").values();

// get all persons with a firstName of Bob
final Collection<Person> bobs = table.row("Bob").values();

// get a specific person
final Person alice = table.get("Alice", "Smith");


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